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Less Is More

July 15, 2020

In a previous post, I mentioned that my kindergartener is receiving lesson plans to work on from home that is up to 8 pages in length.

Grace over grades

June 15, 2020

“Grace over grades” is the motto of my school district during Remote Instruction and I love it. As an educator and parent I am keenly aware of how overwhelmed students and parents alike are right now. Trying to keep up with our own workloads, assignments for multiple children, deadlines, housekeeping, meals, shopping (which has become a daunting experience in and of itself) is too much. Dealing with children…

Tiffany’s Top 5 – Tips for remote teaching during a pandemic (and beyond!)

April 15, 2020

#5: Communicate, communicate, communicate! I really feel that during a crisis, you can’t over-communicate with students and parents. I use any and all means at my disposal which includes email, Google Classroom, Remind, TalkingPoints and Google Voice. I also update my Google Site regularly and send out a link to it weekly via TalkingPoints to my parents as a way to showcase student work and stay in touch. …

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